What The Hell Is This “RADICALIZATION” Anyway?!

Re: the “Radical” vs. “Moderate” islam pretense:


While not all Germans were Nazis, and

not all Italians are Mafiosis,

not all white guys are Hell’s Angels, and

not all Arabs are muslims, still:



ALL Hell’s Angels ARE HELL’S ANGELS, and


The pretense is, that they’re NOT!

People try to conflate the two categories used above: nationality/ethnicity/”RACE,” with CRIME-CREED MEMBERSHIP.

And as long as “our Leaders” insist on maintaining this cowardly pretense – that islam ISN’T really islam, and that not all muslims ARE really muslims, we have already lost to the criminals’ savage barbarian indoctrinating culture, BY Submitting to its main extortive lie and alibi-excuse: That islam is a religion, and thus also that

“God” told them to commit their ‘holy’ crimes against us!

Isn’t it strange how “extremist,” “fundamentalist,” and “radical” are all oxymorons? If one is extremely fundamental to the core message of the source texts, then how can one also be “radical” (divergent to it)?!

Here’s the only real “difference” between “radical” and “moderate” muslims:

“Radical” muslims want to murder us (for not being muslims).
“Moderate” muslims want “radical” muslims to murder us (ditto).


Get it, yet?!

And why is this? Simple!

In Judeo-Christian lore, if one commits suicide, (much less by, or when, also trying to murder others,) one learns that one is destined for Hell.

But the criminal Qur’an tells it’s Submissive “muslim” dupes that, if and when they’re feeling down, they can instantly get to Heaven itself BY randomly murdering others!

So it’s obviously islam itself which causes any and all “radicalization!”

The only pretended “mystery” is why more rank-and-file muslims aren’t already “radicalized:” it’s simply because they’re still somewhat ignorant of what’s written in the Qur’an concerning

Allah’s ultimate expectations of them.


Here’s how and why any and all “Radicalism” and “radicalization” occurs in islam:


(Official ‘Abrogation’ of all the semi-peaceful verses in the Qur’an)!

In handy web-based .PDF format!

Bottom line: there are no “moderate” muslims, simply because there is no “moderate” islam!

So, why are “our leaders” and their pet enemedia lying to us all the time about this?!

Here’s what’s really going on:

While it’s still true that not all Germans were Nazis, not all Italians are Mafiosis, not all whites are Hell’s Angels, and not all Arabs are muslims – but it IS still also nevertheless true that all Nazis WERE nazis, all Mafiosis ARE Mafiosis, all Hell’s Angels ARE Hell’s Angels, and


the politically correct pretence du jour, is to pretend that:


And each of our so-called leaders wants to maintain this false right to remain irresponsibly wrong, to metaphorically kick this can down the road, to serve only their own selfish careers at our direct expense!!!!

They so-desperately want to lie to themselves and to us, hoping (while expressing this falsely hopeful opinion as fact, which is to lie) that “Most muslims are peaceful and so can and will contribute economically to our tax-base” – just as their lowest-common-wage demanding corporate sales-master owners have promised them.

But it’s not true!

In all the studies done in all the European countries, muslims self-segregate and economically contribute absolutely nothing to their host societies, while simultaneously draining the tax-base by welfare jihad, demanding and getting their allah-mandated jizya tribute from us!

So in reality, every sales-puppet politician’s future careers – and LIVES! – are in stead directly threatened/ endangered just like the rest of us, and damaged by the muslims’ inherently seditious presence in our society.

And, like it or not, so are the short-sighted corporate globalist oil-bankster’s own ultimate bottom lines!


Uncle Vladdi's Blog

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22 Responses to What The Hell Is This “RADICALIZATION” Anyway?!

  1. alrharris says:

    I’d say there are terrorists and there are non-terrorists. The terrorists may live in mountains, in houses or tents; the terrorists may have a faith or no faith; the terrorists may belong to one faith or no faith. The common attribute of a terrorist is that the terrorists resort to acts of terror.

    • unclevladdi says:

      That’s nothing more than a tautology LOL!

      But you’d be right in asserting the uber-category: “There are criminals, and there are non-criminals, of all stripes and beliefs.” Except that criminals don’t have any real faith or beliefs in trusting others AT ALL.

      They are only motivated, not by “faith” or trust in others, but by their own cowardly treasonous criminal masochism, where they always try to “control” their fears BY causing the pains they fear!

      Criminals like muslims believe in “everything goes” fatalism; i.e: “Since every given crime’s going to happen anyway, we can’t deny it, so the best we can do, since have to allow it, is to accept, Submit to it, compromise with it and accommodate it! Whee!

      That’s why there’s no crime or perversion they won’t immediately try to compromise with or Submit to: because, as idolaters, anything they can imagine as “possible” becomes immediately “probable” and then “inevitable” as their perpetual focus on, and so also worship of, their own fear of Pain itself takes them over!

      Terrorism is OFFICIALLY an intrinsic component (and their “most pious sacrament”) of islam itself.

      “Submission, the Religion of Peace” (Pacification) is really only “Extortion, the Religion of Thieves!”

      The REAL difference between “one man’s freedom-fighter and another man’s terrorist” is both the reason they attack, and WHO they attack: If one attacks one’s oppressors directly (the occupying foreign army which is oppressing your people, but which isn’t there in defending others in response to your criminal attacks) then one is a “freedom fighter.” But if one has decided to attack innocent others first, one’s own choice has defined one’s actions as being predatory criminal aggressions, and one has thus decided to become a “terrorist.” Ditto with then attacking the police force which has occupied one’s space IN RESPONSE to one’s previous attacks on innocents.

      Finally, muslim terrorists actually have no faith in their god’s power nor desires to enforce even it’s own most basic us-versus-them and might-makes-right tenets; they are effectively selfish atheists, even though (or because) they have been told their hateful god has made this world an unbearable test for them to escape from by taking innocent others with them. Islam is really Submission to their own fears, despair, and failure. It’s easy, and that’s why it’s “effective” in terrorizing sane civilized people, who are always on the defensive, always trying to understand such a base and ultimately masochistic mentality, perpetually trapped trying to determine which specific offense of theirs has triggered the muslims’ eternal grievances. Little do they know that islam isn’t grievance-driven at all: it’s entirely doctrine-driven! Muslims are commanded to hate infidels simply BECAUSE they are infidels, not for any specific acts or ommissions said infidels may be guilty of committing beyond their inherent “infidelity!”

      Let’s not forget that ALL the so-called “islamic” countries in the Middle East (and world itself,) were all originally Greek, Christian ones – like Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia (not to mention India and Iran) which were ALL violently invaded, conquered, raped and enslaved by the racist imperialist colonialist and genocidal creed of islam and it’s holy -mobster “muslim” mind-slaves.*

      And NONE of the Arabs’ invasions were in any way “defensive” ones, simply because Arabia (which is much like Mordor, or Hell – a lifeless, desert land full of active volcanoes) has never been invaded by anyone!

      (And I’m pretty sure that even the globe-conquering Greek warlord Alexander the Great gave it a pass)!


      *Quite unlike the peaceful process where those countries had all become Christian countries in the first place, which of course was simply to curry favor with their previously pagan masters in Rome, upon the conversion of the Emperor Constantine.


      • alrharris says:

        Where to start here … Unfortunately, not all Muslims are Muslims i.e. There are Sunni and there are Shia. Just as there are Catholic and Bretheren Christians.

        The Klu Klux Klan and the Westboro Baptist Church would never reach agreement on biblical doctrine even though what they stand for is 100% opposite to what Christianity teaches through Jesus Christ. Yet they would call themselves Christian. Are all Christians therefore holding to the KKK.’s viewpoints? my point is just because some group is labelled something doesn’t automatically make them that thing so labelled. There are Christians and then there are christians.

        The KKK could easily be labelled terrorists. Just as the Westboro folks could be, if one of their own took to killing a homosexual (God forbid it). These people would be convinced of their being right. Even though they would be quite wrong in the eyes of the larger community.

        This viewpoint appears to be the key to a better understanding. The viewpoint of the larger community. That is what doctrine is after all. The majority viewpoint. Nothing more nothing less.

        In a similar way, we could distinguish between a terrorist and their faith of choice where the majority of that faith have a different viewpoint. If all Muslim’s believed the infidel should be killed, then yes; the lager community could then think logically, that all Muslims are wanting to destroy those who do not hold to their viewpoint (that all infidels should be destroyed or converted to their understanding of God and the universe).

        This is not the case though.

        Most Muslims live peaceful lives. Even in places where they are either the majority or the minority. How can we have the majority of Muslims live peacefully (and condemning acts of terror) if all Muslims are Muslims i.e. If all Muslims think the same thing and by extension want all infidels killed? That makes no sense. Most Muslims want to live peaceful lives. A few want more than that. Just like a few Christians. These people use religion to justify their actions and recruit others to follow them.

        The answer is not all Muslims think the same thing. Just as not all Christains, Buddhists, Nazis (or whatever) do not think the same things consistently. Hence we have Sunnis and Shias and Catholics and Protestants etc.

        The distinguisher could be instead, terrorists conduct acts of terror. Non-terrorists do not conduct acts of terror.

        Target the people who plan to conduct acts of terror.

      • unclevladdi says:

        Re: “Unfortunately, not all Muslims are Muslims i.e. There are Sunni and there are Shia. Just as there are Catholic and Bretheren Christians.”

        Incorrect. The Sunni and Shia divide in islam is political, not doctrinal; both use the same Qur’an.

        And, Re: “That is what doctrine is after all. The majority viewpoint. Nothing more nothing less.

        In a similar way, we could distinguish between a terrorist and their faith of choice where the majority of that faith have a different viewpoint. If all Muslim’s believed the infidel should be killed, then yes; the lager community could then think logically, that all Muslims are wanting to destroy those who do not hold to their viewpoint (that all infidels should be destroyed or converted to their understanding of God and the universe).

        This is not the case though.

        Most Muslims live peaceful lives. Even in places where they are either the majority or the minority. How can we have the majority of Muslims live peacefully (and condemning acts of terror) if all Muslims are Muslims i.e. If all Muslims think the same thing and by extension want all infidels killed? That makes no sense.”



        “Most Muslims want to live peaceful lives. A few want more than that. Just like a few Christians. These people use religion to justify their actions and recruit others to follow them. The answer is not all Muslims think the same thing.”


        Islamic “doctrine” ONLY depends on the clear instructions given by Muhammad in “allah’s” name in his Qur’an, which describes its self as the “Perfect Word of God” and so is never to be challenged.

        Personal, individual interpretation is not only not allowed, it is also EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN.

        The Qur’an, unlike the Bibles, was not written over thousands of years by diverse and contradictory prophets and committeees of scholars, each speculating about metaphysics and human psychology – it was written by ONE man, during his own lifetime, as a slanderous critique of the Bibles.

        In short, the Qur’an is what the Bibles would have been, if they had been written by only one man, and that one man had been Adolf Hitler.

        According to the Qur’an itself, YES indeed, all Muslims MUST think the same thing and by extension want all infidels killed! If and when they do NOT think this way, then they no longer qualify AS “muslims” at all, but as backsliding “hypocrites,” who amount to no more than infidels themselves, and so MUST be killed by the other remaining, “REAL” muslims.

        Unlike “Cafeteria Catholicism,” muslims are not allowed to pick and choose which verses of the Qur’an to believe, and which to reject.

        Islam’s Qur’an officially discourages independant thinking:

        “O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble… Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.” (Quran. 5:101-102)



        Muslims aren’t allowed to challenge whatever Muhammad said (33:36).

        And they must obey his every word:

        8:20. “O you who believe! Obey Allâh and His Messenger, and turn not away from him (i.e. Messenger Muhammad ) while you are hearing.”

        And exactly what is his Message? What are they commanded to do?

        9:123. “O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allâh is with those who are the Al-Muttaqûn” (the pious – see V.2:2).

        Are they allowed to interpret the message differently, to choose which parts to believe, obey and/or reject?

        2:85 … “Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment….”

        Sura 4:77: Offensive eternal War is mandatory for them, because both the good and the bad come from allah:

        Muslims have only two options: to go to War for allah, or to go to Hell: 9.38 & 39.

        The “original religion” of Islam, is Jihad:



        Wages (Kitab Al-Ijarah)
        Dawud :: Book 23 : Hadith 3455

        Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

        “I heard the Apostle of Allah, (peace_be_upon_him) say: When you enter into the inah transaction, hold the tails of oxen, are pleased with agriculture, and give up conducting jihad (struggle in the way of Allah). Allah will make disgrace prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to your original religion.”

        Jihad is preferred over peaceful commerce and agriculture as an economic model. Get a clue: 3:151, 8:12, 39, 57, 60, 65, 67; 9:5, 29, 38, 39, 111, 120, 123; 33:26, 27; 47:4; 49:15; 59:2, 13; 61:10-13; Sahih Bukhari 1.7.331 & 4.52.220.

        Surah Al-Anfal 8.39 commands Muslims to wage war against pagans until resistance ceases and only Allah is worshiped. Surah At-Taubah 9.29 commands Muslims to wage war against people with scriptural religions until they are subjugated and submit to annual demands for extortion. Both commands are without chronological or geographic limits. They are permanent in duration and global in scope.

        Muslims are admonished in Surah At-Taubah -.38-39, that they will suffer a “painful torment” if they do not join the Jihad. Muslims are promised, in Surah At-Taubah 9.111 and Surah As-Saff 10-12 that he will admit them to his celestial bordello if they join the Jihad.

        Jihad is the Muslim’s get out of Hell free card! If he does not play that card, he meets Allah with a defect: hypocrisy. (Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 4 #2763)

        The minimum Jihad quota is once each year. If Jihad is not performed in a year when it was possible, all with knowledge of the imperative are sinners, liable to eternal damnation. (Reliance of the Traveller O9.1, Hedaya 2.140-141, The Book of Jihad pg. 18)

        Muslims are commanded, in Surah Al-Anfal 8.57, to treat vanquished foes harshly so as to strike terror into those behind them. They are commanded in 8.60 to maximize the power of their army so as to terrify thereby prospective victims.

        Muslims are promised, in Surah At-Taubah 9.120, that acts of terrorism will be rewarded with extra credit towards an upgrade in the celestial bordello.

        Muslims are warned, in Surah Al-Baqarah 2.85, that they cannot select the parts of the Qur’an they like and reject the rest.

        And the global statistics reflect this, too – refuting the opinion that “most muslims are peaceful:”

        The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan American think tank that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends. They are considered to be a trusted source for information.

        The Global Attitudes Project is a series of worldwide public opinion surveys that encompasses a broad array of subjects.

        Are there wide spread beliefs in the Islamic populations that are counter to the human rights of free speech, free expression, woman’s rights, and gay rights?

        What are the statistics?



        BOTTOM LINE: YES THE QUR’AN VERY CLEARLY SAYS “KILL ALL THE INFIDELS!” (A LOT!) So it doesn’t matter how many muslims vote to say that they “believe” otherwise, since it really DOES still say that.

        The only time Muhammad WASN’T LYING, was when he said his Qur’an was easy to read, it’s message was clear to understand, and that it contained NO metaphors!


      • alrharris says:

        Not sure it is as you say. There is an answer though. Still I appreciate your reply and the time taken to research and respond to me.

      • unclevladdi says:

        You’re quite welcome!

  2. dajjal says:

    Suicide is expressly forbidden; the one who does it will be tormented with it in Hell. But fought until he was killed” is a common theme in the Jihad hadith.

    • unclevladdi says:

      If by “expressly forbidden” you mean that ONE line in the Qur’an which basically only asserts: “Oh, and when out trying to kill and DIE for allah, try not to hurt yourselves unnecessarily!” then sure. Maybe.

      But it doesn’t say that suicides are destined for Hell at all!


      • dajjal says:

        I refer to hadith in the authentic collection of Bukhari:
        Volume 8, Book 73, Number 126:

        Narrated Thabit bin Ad-Dahhak:

        The Prophet said, “Whoever swears by a religion other than Islam (i.e. if he swears by saying that he is a non-Muslim in case he is telling a lie), then he is as he says if his oath is false and whoever commits suicide with something, will be punished with the same thing in the (Hell) fire, and cursing a believer is like murdering him, and whoever accuses a believer of disbelief, then it is as if he had killed him.”

        Forbidding Murder and Suicide

        Allah said,

        ﴿وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَنفُسَكُمْ﴾

        (And do not kill yourselves.) by committing Allah’s prohibitions, falling into sin and eating up each other’s property unjustly,

        ﴿إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيماً﴾

        (Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you.) in what He commanded you and prohibited you from. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Amr bin Al-`As said that when the Prophet sent him for the battle of Dhat As-Salasil, “I had a wet dream during a very cold night and feared that if I bathed, I would die. So I performed Tayammum (with pure earth) and led my company in the Dawn prayer. When I went back to the Messenger of Allah , I mentioned what had happened to me and he said,

        «يَا عَمْرُو صَلَّيْتَ بِأَصْحَابِكَ وَأَنْتَ جُنُب»

        (O `Amr! Have you led your people in prayer while you were in a state of sexual impurity) I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I had a wet dream on a very cold night and feared that if I bathed I would perish, and I remembered Allah’s statement,

        ﴿وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَنفُسَكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيماً﴾

        (And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you). So I performed Tayammum and prayed.’ The Messenger of Allah smiled and did not say anything.” This is the narration reported by Abu Dawud. Ibn Marduwyah mentioned this honorable Ayah and then reported that Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of Allah said,

        (Whoever kills himself with an iron tool, then his tool will be in his hand and he will keep stabbing himself with it in the Fire of Jahannam, forever and ever. Whoever kills himself with poison, then his poison will be in his hand and he will keep taking it in the Fire of Jahannam forever and ever. Whoever kills himself by throwing himself from a mountain, will keep falling in the Fire of Jahannam forever and ever.)
        And the Qur’an:
        4:29. O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it be a trade amongst you, by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allâh is Most Merciful to you.

      • unclevladdi says:

        Ahem. My Qur’an’s version of 4:29 says “Don’t loot each other, and don’t destroy each other (through oppression etc.,)” so it doesn’t say suicide is wrong, it only says preying on other muslims is wrong.


      • dajjal says:

        4:29. O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it be a trade amongst you, by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allâh is Most Merciful to you.

        Volume 7, Book 71, Number 670:

        Narrated Abu Huraira:

        The Prophet said, “Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever.”

        Also cited in Tafsir Ibn Kathir: http://www.islam-universe.com/tafsir//4.10917.html

        When a Muslim fights to the death, he is not suicidal. There have been fatwa approving homicide bombing. The bomber kills infidels, his own death is incidental.

      • unclevladdi says:

        My version still only says “don’t destroy each other.” Besides, intent never matters in islam; “allah” is responsible for everything anyway! Whee!


      • dajjal says:

        Gong!!! “intent never matters in islam”.
        Volume 4, Book 52, Number 79:

        Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:

        On the day of the Conquest (of Mecca) the Prophet said, “There is no emigration after the Conquest but Jihad and intentions. When you are called (by the Muslim ruler) for fighting, go forth immediately.” (See Hadith No. 42)

        Volume 5, Book 58, Number 238:

        Narrated ‘Umar:

        I heard the Prophet saying, “The reward of deeds depends on the intentions, so whoever emigrated for the worldly benefits or to marry a woman, his emigration was for that for which he emigrated, but whoever emigrated for the Sake of Allah and His Apostle, his emigration is for Allah and His Apostle.”

        Volume 3, Book 46, Number 706:

        Narrated ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab:

        The Prophet said, “The (reward of) deeds depend on intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he intends. So, whoever migrated for Allah and His Apostle, then his migration will be for Allah and His Apostle, and whoever migrated for worldly benefits or for marrying a woman, then his migration will be for what he migrated for.” (See Hadith No. 1, Vol. 1)

        See also: http://ilaljibal.wordpress.com/2009/04/13/the-intentions-in-jihad/
        and: http://www.khilafahbooks.com/wp-content/ebooks/english/khilafah/book_of_jihad.pdf#page=98
        Gotcha 😉

      • unclevladdi says:

        Your pathetic ahadith quotes mean nothing when opposed to the Perfect Word of Allah, al Qur’an, infidel!

        The ‘theological’ notion of Allah’s “oneness” is CRUCIAL to their main criminal, might-makes-right alibi, that “we aren’t responsible, and no one is ever really a criminal anyway, because we’re really all only victims:

        “The Allah Made Me Do It!”
        “In fact, I didn’t do it at all – only the allah did it! Whee!”

        [8.17] So you did not slay them, but it was Allah Who slew them, and you did not smite when you smote (the enemy), but it was Allah Who smote, and that He might confer upon the believers a good gift from Himself; surely Allah is All-Hearing, Knowing.

        Sura 4:77: “Those who whined “Hold back your hands (from attacking)” were corrected:
        “War is compulsory for us – the good and bad both come from allah!”

        …and let’s not forget all those OTHER Qur’anic bits where it tells us that allah itself makes the infidels ‘choose’ to be infidels, and how it deliberately stops up their eyes and ears so they can’t see the ‘truth’ of its islam! It’s all allah all the way, baby! You don’t exist at all – ONLY the allah exists!

        So, you gotcha nuthin, you infidel imperialist/colonialist running-dog hyena Americanski!

        PS: Whether you know it or not, you, too are a SLAVE of allah’s!


      • dajjal says:

        2:225. Allâh will not call you to account for that which is unintentional in your oaths, but He will call you to account for that which your hearts have earned. And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Forbearing.

        17:84. Say (O Muhammad to mankind): “Each one does according to Shakilatihi (i.e. his way or his religion or his intentions, etc.), and your Lord knows best of him whose path (religion, etc.) is right.”

        8. And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your intentions and hopes and) your invocations.
        Among the hadith collections, one is considerd qudsi: having the weight of holy writ; divinely inspired. here is one of them:
        Hadith 16: The virtue of good intentions

        Ibn Abbas reported: Among the sayings of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, that he related from his Lord Almighty is that he said:

        إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَتَبَ الْحَسَنَاتِ وَالسَّيِّئَاتِ ثُمَّ بَيَّنَ ذَلِكَ فَمَنْ هَمَّ بِحَسَنَةٍ فَلَمْ يَعْمَلْهَا كَتَبَهَا اللَّهُ عِنْدَهُ حَسَنَةً كَامِلَةً وَإِنْ هَمَّ بِهَا فَعَمِلَهَا كَتَبَهَا اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ عِنْدَهُ عَشْرَ حَسَنَاتٍ إِلَى سَبْعِ مِائَةِ ضِعْفٍ إِلَى أَضْعَافٍ كَثِيرَةٍ وَإِنْ هَمَّ بِسَيِّئَةٍ فَلَمْ يَعْمَلْهَا كَتَبَهَا اللَّهُ عِنْدَهُ حَسَنَةً كَامِلَةً وَإِنْ هَمَّ بِهَا فَعَمِلَهَا كَتَبَهَا اللَّهُ سَيِّئَةً وَاحِدَةً

        Verily, Allah has recorded good and bad deeds and He made them clear. Whoever intends to perform a good deed but does not do it, then Allah will record it as a complete good deed, but if he intends to do it and does so, then Allah the Exalted will record it as ten good deeds up to seven hundred times as much or even more; if he intends to do a bad deed and does not do it, then Allah will record for him one complete good deed, but if he does it then Allah will record for him a single bad deed.

        Source: Sahih Muslim 131, Grade: Sahih

        – See more at: http://www.faithinallah.org/forty-sacred-hadith-qudsi-english-arabic/#sthash.npf5uO6Q.dpuf

      • unclevladdi says:


        “— The arguments of our doctors are that, in worldly institutes, no regard is paid to the offence committed by a man upon his own person, wherefore suicide is to be held as dying a natural death:”


        The hedaya, P.#167, Volume I, Book II, Chapter IV: Marriage of Slaves.


      • dajjal says:

        There is no temporal punishment for suicide; the felo de se is outta the caliph’s reach. But he is not outta Allah’s reach and Moe described the punishment, in previously cited ahadith.

        When an accursed ‘slime blows himself up in the act of murdering kuffar, he is attacking; fighting to the death, not comitting suicide under shari’ah. Those who threw themselves into the battle to the death were classed by Moe as shahid, not suicides. One greviously wounded who fell on his sword outside the fray was classed as a suicide.

  3. Pingback: Muslims: “Martyrs” – or MASOCHISTS? | Uncle Vladdi's Blog

  4. vladdi says:


    This “Radicalization” nonsense is nothing but an attempt to pretend

    See, everyone knows that:

    NOT ALL Germans were NAZIS;
    NOT ALL Italians are MAFIOSIS;
    NOT ALL Whites are HELL’S ANGELS;
    NOT ALL Arabs are MUSLIMS.

    …but… BUT:


    …and … AND:


    The pretense du jour seems to be to try to find some fake sub-categories of “muslms” (i.e: “Radical” versus “Moderate” ones) to “prove” that



    But of course the only “real difference” between “Radical” and “Moderate” muslims, is:

    “Radical” muslims want to murder us (simply for not being muslims)!
    “Moderate” muslims want “radical” muslims to murder us (ditto)!

    Bottom line:

    There are no “moderate” muslims, simply because there is no “moderate” islam!


  5. Uncle Vladdi says:


    Dear Liberals:

    Despite your immorally relativist wish to separate islam’s ETERNAL war against us into “this current conflict” and others, every conflict we have with muslims, TO THEM, is still a part of their original declaration of war.


    Muslims don’t care at all about what we have done, are doing, or might or will DO to them, they hate us because of WHAT we are: “infidels,” who, simply becuase of our supposed inherent state of “criminal indfidellity,” merit the death penalty.


    And your other – incorrect – attempt to deflect from this FACT, by saying “the Bibles contain violence, too!” only amounts to the critical thinking logical fallacy called the Argumentum Tu Quoque, which is where you try to pretend that merely by comparing two or more wrongs, you can somehow magically turn one or more of them into a right; i.e:

    “Islam isn’t an evil crime because we (i.e: you) all do or did it, too! Whee!”

    Not even little kids over the age of three would dare to try that old “two wrongs make a right!” fallacy, and know that the only time “the ends justify the means” is when the counter-attack is made in self-defense. By their own rules commanding them to ALWAYS attack all the non-muslims in the world first, islam has deliberately made sure that ALL attacks against it will be by definition defensive counter-attacks.

  6. dajjal says:

    alrharris, Islam is like McDonalds in that it has a standard. Its doctrines are specified in the Qur’an and most of its rituals are specified in hadith. Shi’ia and Sunni do not differ over the necessity of constant, perpetual aggressive warfare. Compare Reliance of the Traveller O9.0–9.14 to Hedaya, Volume 2.140–232 to the Shi’ia texts such as Khomeini’s Little Green Book. About 85% of ‘slimes are Sunni, holding to the fiqh of one of the four major schools of shari’ah.

    Islam is mercenary. For the disgusting details, read this well documented pdf: https://www.scribd.com/doc/227418623/Islam-s-Mercenary-Mission-Updated .

    Islam is violent. For the damnable details, read this well documented pdf: https://www.scribd.com/doc/210934362/Jihad-Defined-and-Exemplified

    Islam is terrorism. For the damnable details, read this well documented pdf: https://www.scribd.com/doc/101297086/Terrorism .

    Islam is not what you want it to be. Islam is not what Yusuf Camel wants it to be. Islam is what Moe said and did. Nothing else is Islam. Qur’an defines Islam; sunnah exemplifies it. Read’em and weep for humanity.

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